SHE who Heals the world

A yearly container of Purpose, Passion and Legacy

What’s Included

8 Months of INVOCATION

We begin on Summer Solstice June 22, 2024

I open this container up Once a year or You can join us at anytime to join the momentum.

THE INITIATION of Remembering

THE CAULDRON of Invocation





Calling in the Elements

This is a SIREN soul call, a creative cauldron, a path to remember your inner wisdom, uncover your shadow through the veil, and bring clarity to ALL parts of you that are ready to birth miracles of all kinds.

It is an 8-month journey of introspection, supportive reflection, healing and embodiment.

How it works: - an organic flow with structure and self-invocation


  • 8 MASTERCALLS (once a month with video replay)

  • 4 PRIVATE SESSIONS with MARNI (*bonus value of $888)


  • Creative Community Space Sharing/Storytelling Circle -learning to lead

  • Moon & Astro Cycle Updates

  • North Node Workshop with Kauakea Winston of Vesta Mystery School

  • Human Design Introduction

This entire container is $150/month for 8 months or $1200

- you have the option to pay monthly or all at once.

On average you will spend roughly 1hr daily journaling, practicing, remembering, integrating, etc.


Marni is such a talented and honed- in mentor. She helped me get to my truth and importantly, to act on it. In this container, I’ve taken steps I’ve dreamed about for years. I feel excited about living my truth in the world and the resources Marni brought forth are a huge key for that possibility.

The container and work with Marni reminded me to tap into my personal practices with writing and yoga and to regularly DO IT. This may seem simple and obvious, but I had gotten so far away from it. Through this container I’ve integrated my daily practices which keep me centered and on my path. I’m working on bringing my writing out into the world and I am doing that through a grounded and spiritually centered space. I’m grateful for the courage this container provided for me.
— Erin, 2023
Woman is the creator of the universe,
the universe is her form;
woman is the foundation of the world,
she is the true form of the body.

In woman is the form of all things,
of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than woman,
no condition superior to that of a woman.
— Shaktisangama Tantra

5 Reasons I’m Grateful to work with

Marni Suu Reynolds:

1. CLARITY: Marni has helped me create a regular practice for meditation or body movement to ground me and focus my thoughts and energy

2. ABUNDANCE: Since working with Marni over the last three years…manifestations happen in days, weeks…versus months and years

3. JOY: Time spent with Marni, as a trusted holder of space, has become invaluable to me as we share and exchange what’s coming through

4. EMBODIMENT: I feel “in my body” and loving it for the first time in a long time and this now my final frontier as I’m attuned and in tune—thanks to practices learned from Marni

5. FELLOWSHIP: Marni brings together women in the most beautiful containers where we can feel safe and open to sharing knowing that others are there to observe and also grow and expand TIME with Marni is a gift and my world is better for knowing her, my spirit is better for having these practices, and my future is bright and path illiuminated Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo to Marni!

-Nanilei Kaanaana 2023

“Marni’s vast wisdom and profound compassion have truly enabled me to deconstruct subconscious patterns and limiting beliefs that previously had not allowed me to live my fullest potential. Moreover, Marni’s gift of celestial insight have catapulted me into higher realms of gratitute and healing, I unreservedly recommend connecting with Marni, who is an Old Soul and a rare gem in this world. Fortunate and blessed are those who feel her magic.” — Ana 2022

“Marni’s work is so beautiful and so profound and directly from the heart. She has really helped to provide some guidance in my life, by just pulling things together and getting some real clarity for me, I am eternally grateful.” — Mark 2021

“Marni is a light and miracle worker who brings multidimensional healing work to bear on a myriad of challenges - from physical to pyschological. Her presence itself is uplifting and yet calming.”— ASHLEY 2021

“ O night, faithful friend of mysteries, and you, golden stars and moon, who follow the fiery star of day, and you, Hecate, goddess with threefold head, you know my designs and come to strengthen my spells and magic arts; and you, earth, who offer your potent herbs to magi; and airs, winds, mountains, streams, and lakes, and all you woodland gods, and all you gods of the night: Be present now.” 

- Prayer of Medea to Hecate from Ovid, The Metamorphoses, 8 CE.

Shakti: The power of the feminine

Shakti represents the feminine energy of the universe. Every sound vibration in the universe is filled with the creative force of Shakti. Goddess energy is Shakti energy. The expression of the divine feminine power, called Shakti. The word shakti literally means power. Shakti the innate power in reality, has five faces. It manifests as the power to be conscious, the power to feel ecstasy, the power of will, or desire, the power to know, and the power to act.

All these powers come into play in the act of cosmic creativity, when divine intelligence spins a universe out of itself, much the way a human mind creates a dream or a fantasy on its own screen. The cosmic creation explodes in a Big Bang, and then evolves over millions of years as suns, planets, increasingly sophisticated life forms, and, of course, as human beings. All of reality, this tradition says, is Shakti’s dance. Shakti takes form as the biological processes of our body. She acts through our thoughts and the play of our emotions. She becomes every atom and dustmote in the physical world. We are, in our essence, made of Shakti. Her powers of consciousness, ecstasy, will, knowing, and acting are constantly at play both in ourselves and the world. - Sally Kempton